Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Voted

I voted today...Did you? I used a great website to learn about the issues that I was voting for. http://smartvoter.org/

For the past several weeks I've heard ads on the radio, saw ads on TV and drove past billboards advertising all sorts of issues..."vote yes on issue 6" or "vote no on issue 3". That can get confusing trying to remember what each issue is about. I have enough to remember in my brain that I don't need to stress it out when I can use that great website.

Last night Brent and I sat down and read through the issues. Man, they're wordy! That website was fabulous for sorting through the verbal mumbo jumbo and getting to the heart of the issues.

And I got a fancy schmancy sticker when I was done voting!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cape Cod Wedding

I'm trying to upload pictures from my uncle's wedding in Cape Cod in September. I have pictures on my Picasa site, but I can't figure out how to move pictures from my Picasa to this blog? They're both on this google thing so you think I'd be able to do it, but I can't figure out how. So...all you get is this.


Go take a peek yourself. Hmph.


Last week I got a new haircut...
got it all chopped off! I totally love it. What took me so long after the weddding to chop it?

Anniversary Fun

The cake wasn't that bad...but it wasn't that good either. It wasn't preserved in the freezer very well and so I'm blaming that as the reason it wasn't as moist.

Lauren's 30th

This post is WAY overdue...

Back in August (I know that seems like forever ago!) Lauren turned 30. Lauren's husband, Niel, Stephanie and I worked together to plan a surprise party for Lauren. It went off without a hitch and Lauren was truly surprised! Those are the best!

This is Lauren walking in...the look on her face is just priceless. That's when you say to yourself "yes! we pulled it off...she really is surprised!"Niel made every guest a necklace that had Lauren's picture on it. It was fun! And of course, a picture of the speechies who were there! Stephanie (with child...Killian made his appearance less than a week later), Summer, Jill, Lauren and myself.