Wednesday, November 9, 2011

4 weeks

Abby is now 4 weeks old!  (We'll call her a month old in a few days on 11/12/ until then, she's 4 weeks old.)

This particular outfit came from the hand-me-down box I received from Catherine Fox the day I went into labor.  In the box was a hand written note from her saying that the clothes were nicely folded, but then her near-2-year-old son wanted to "help"...and in the end I was sent a box of wadded up clothes.  Thanks Coss! 

**In future postings, I'll do my best to give a "shout out" to the gift giver should an item happen to make it in a picture on the blog.  We are very grateful for all the gifts and generosity of family and friends.**

New this week?
Abby is more demanding in her feeding.  We were on a pretty regular 3-hour feeding regimine, but in the past week she's been wanting to eat 2 hours, sometimes only 1.5 hours after she last ate.  This is typical for breastfed babies as I'm reading that this is part of a growth spurt and is nature's way of ensuring that my body is producing enough milk supply to meet her growth needs.  As soon as this subsides, I'll get another dose of it at 6 weeks and 3 months.  Yea?! 

Abby is tracking things with her eyes more from farther away.  She can also turn her head to find the source of a sound (such as my noise making block I'm shaking in the picture above).  Lacey was tracking the sound source too. 

Abby is tolerating her diaper changes outfit changes more.  The first couple weeks we were met with a lot of crying as she didn't like to be naked and cold. We also learned to distract her with turning on the mobile (Thanks Marti and Sam Zickefoose!) as it's at her eye sight level and within range. 

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